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Kevin Tuttle – Founder

Kevin majored in Radio/TV/Film (communications), but felt called to serve his country in the US Air Force upon graduation. He was selected as a Public Affairs officer after graduating from the Air Force’s Officer Training School. Serving in Public Affairs taught him about community relations, media relations, news writing for the base paper, press releases, speech writing, and other valuable lessons, such as media tactics. 


Separating from the Air Force after six years, Kevin transitioned to civil service, where he was a public information coordinator at USDA Rural Development for the next six years. Again, he dealt with media, news releases, event coordination, marketing, and other duties in that realm. Wanting to get out of government work, he went into the bicycle industry for the next several years and then other sales positions in various industries. 


Kevin has been a medical freedom activist since 2016, when he noticed a shift in the media messaging about vaccination. He puts his faith in God above all things, and no amount of intimidation or coercion sways his faith or intent in finding truth and advocating for you and your story.  Forming many friendships with people across the world who are standing up for their bodily autonomy and who aren’t cowering to government edicts, Kevin has the connections and relationships to make things happen for you. He’s a staunch believer in the Bible, the Nuremberg Code, the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. 


Besides pitching his clients to alternative media outlets (let’s face it – the mainstream media has no interest in the truth), Kevin is also on the receiving end of such pitches as the associate producer of The Robert Scott Bell Show. This allows him to understand both sides of the situation, resulting in better customer service. 

He wants to encourage people to always stand up for their beliefs.

“Watch what happens when you repent and give your life to God – when you obey Him and follow what He puts on your heart. Your whole world changes! Life has meaning, and there’s real joyfulness. No matter what you’ve been through in your life, know that God can heal your soul.” 


Kevin is happily married to Bonnie, the love of his life, and they have two wonderful teenagers in Eliana and Leo. 

Standing Up For Truth 


The Spirit of the Lord God is on me,

because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and freedom to the prisoners. ~ Isaiah 61:1

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